Reporting Abuse
Contact the Domain Owner
Use the form below to contact the owner of a domain name protected by the WHOIS Privacy Protection Service. This service protects the privacy of domain name owners in the WHOIS system and does not own any domains.
Please note that domain name owners are under no obligation to respond to requests.
All other emails to the WHOIS Privacy Protection Service via the form will be discarded.
Report Abuse
If a domain using our service has engaged in SPAM or other illegal activity, please provide evidence of such behavior here. It is entirely at the discretion of the domain registrant whether or not to respond to you.
The common mistake nearly everyone makes
Before you proceed to report an issue, you should be aware of a very common error:
Domain registrars like Trustname only maintain the system of domain names (such as or that uniquely label sites. Domain name registrars are not responsible for the content of the sites those domain names point to.
This means that, if you don’t like a website or its content, you should bring that issue first to the domain owner and then to the service that hosts that site.
Contacting a domain owner
The registrant (or domain owner) can be contacted in many ways.
- On their website (look for “Contact Us” or “About Us”). This is always the best way to contact a website owner.
- If they don’t have a Contact Us page, you can perform a Whois lookup (look for “Registrant Email”).
- For domains using a WHOIS Privacy Protection Service, you can send a message using the Contact Privacy form above.
WHOIS Privacy Protection Service cannot help you with requests regarding content.
Finding the web host
Identifying a website’s hosting provider is more complex than it should be.
You should start by doing a Whois lookup. Look for “Name Server” in the response; the URL shown after “Name Server” usually points to the place where the website and related services are hosted.
For example, here are the Name Servers for
- Name Server:
- Name Server:
- Name Server:
You care only about the last part: “”. It’s the web host for Wikipedia’s sites.
Sometimes the Name Server information is less helpful; for millions of sites, the Name Server information will look like this:
- Name Server:
Cloudflare is a content delivery network, not a web host, widely used to speed up access to sites or protect them. In cases like this, you can go to the domain listed in the Name Server fields to see if it lets you find more information about the domain name’s web hosting provider.
Yes, we at WHOIS Privacy Protection Service do consider the difficulty of finding a website’s host to be a weakness in the system.
If you have a copyright/trademark dispute, you should direct your complaint to the respective website hosting service for the domain (e.g. DigitalOcean, CloudFlare, etc.). The WHOIS Privacy Protection Service is a privacy service only, and as such, we have no control over the storage or distribution of allegedly infringing materials.
All general customer support is handled through the WHOIS Privacy Protection Service, for more information or to ensure that all other abuse requests are investigated, please submit abuse report(s) to
Abuse report forms
If you wish to report abuse of the WHOISPPS privacy service, including copyright and intellectual property infringement, please fill out the abuse report form by choosing from one of the options below:
- Phishing and Pharming
- Spam
- Malware and Botnets
- Pharmacy Complaints
- Domain Name Hijacking
- Inaccurate Whois
- Intellectual Property Concerns
- Someone is saying something about me that I don’t like
- Terrorism
- Other Illegal Activity